Y Combinator
Platform for finding curated startup jobs, applying with a single profile, and private browsing options.
Y Combinator is a platform that allows users to find the best startup jobs, curated by Y Combinator itself. Users can apply to thousands of startup jobs with a single profile and have the opportunity to be contacted by YC founders or browse companies privately. The platform highlights that users can find the next Airbnb, Instacart, or Coinbase, as it exclusively features YC companies. The website also offers the ability to browse jobs by role, such as software engineer, design & UI/UX, product manager, recruiting & HR, sales, and science, among others. Jobs are constantly being added, and recent listings include positions like Full Stack Engineer, Head of Engineering, Software Engineer - Database, Founding Backend Engineer, Engineering Manager, AI Researcher, and many more. The website also provides information about YC programs, startup school, and co-founder matching. Users can follow YC on social media platforms for career advice, startup stories, and more.