Provides industry solutions for financial crime detection, risk management, and compliance.
Verafin is a leading Financial Crime Management platform that offers a range of solutions for financial institutions. Their platform includes fraud detection, BSA/AML (Bank Secrecy Act and Anti-Money Laundering) compliance, high-risk customer management, and secure 314(b) information sharing. With over 2400 customer partners, Verafin integrates, resolves, and enriches data from hundreds of sources and thousands of institutions across the Cloud. They have a strong track record, with over 4.5 trillion in collective assets, over 420 million counterparties, and over 1.1 billion transactions each week. Their comprehensive approach to financial crime management sets them apart from competitors. By utilizing behavioral analytics and analysis of payees, Verafin's platform provides unparalleled insights and actionable intelligence to help financial institutions combat fraud. Furthermore, they offer a range of resources, including articles, webinars, white papers, and case studies, to enhance industry knowledge and support their customers' compliance efforts. Overall, Verafin offers industry-leading solutions that help financial institutions manage financial crime effectively and mitigate risk.