A free and easy-to-use online editor for creating and editing professional vector graphics, with real-time sharing for collaboration.
Vectr is a free online vector graphics editor that provides a simple yet powerful tool for designing and editing vector graphics. With Vectr, individuals can create and edit graphics without the need for extensive design experience or a steep learning curve. The platform offers intuitive tools that guide users through the design process, allowing them to unleash their creative intuition and produce professional-quality graphics. One of the notable features of Vectr is its real-time sharing functionality, which enables users to collaborate with others by sharing a live view of their activity via a URL. This allows for seamless teamwork and feedback during the design process. Additionally, Vectr's vector graphics ensure that designs are always crisp and clean, eliminating issues such as blurriness when scaling. Whether users need to create logos, presentations, cards, brochures, website mockups, or any other 2D graphics, Vectr provides the tools necessary to achieve high-quality results. The platform also boasts AI-powered time-saver tools and features, enhancing the speed and simplicity of graphic creation. Vectr's basic graphics editor is available for free forever, making it accessible to a wide range of users. With its user-friendly interface, collaborative capabilities, and focus on producing clear and professional graphics, Vectr is an excellent choice for individuals seeking a versatile and efficient vector graphics editor.