Offers career guidance, ranking insights, and job opportunities in various industries.
Vault is a comprehensive website that caters to employers, schools, insiders, and individuals seeking career guidance and information. The site offers rankings, a library of resources, guides, and advice for building the best career. It provides insights on top-ranked employers like Bain & Company, Abbott, Morgan Stanley, and BDO USA LLP. Vault also features industry rankings, internship programs, and virtual career fairs, such as the Women in STEM Virtual Career Fair. The site provides fresh insights, rankings, and job opportunities via email subscription. It offers specialized career insights in areas like law, consulting, banking, and accounting. Additionally, Vault serves as a platform for employers, schools, and insiders, allowing them to engage with the website's audience. Overall, Vault is a valuable resource for individuals and organizations looking to navigate the world of careers and make informed decisions.