A platform focused on modifying digital experiences through active customer feedback.
UserTesting is a human insight platform that focuses on improving customer experiences and driving innovation. With the UserTesting Platform, companies can gather customer feedback to enhance their digital experiences. The platform offers features such as AI-powered insights and the ability to target specific audiences. UserTesting has been recognized as a leader in Experience Research Platforms (XRPs) by Forrester, scoring the highest across 20 criteria. They have a customer conference called The Human Insight Summit (THiS) and have partnerships with companies like Adobe Consulting and Microsoft. UserTesting has a wide range of solutions for different teams, including UX and Design, Executives, Product, and Marketing. The platform is used by over 3,400 top brands. UserTesting offers resources and guides to help companies understand their customers better and create customer-centric experiences. They also provide news, insights, and thought leadership in the industry. Recently, UserTesting has introduced AI capabilities, such as AI Insight Summary, which automatically summarizes key learnings from user feedback. Overall, UserTesting is a comprehensive platform that enables companies to gain valuable human insights and improve their digital experiences.