User Onboarding
User Onboarding
A resource for learning and improving web application onboarding practices. Offers analysis, patterns, training, and consultations.
User Onboarding is a website that serves as a valuable resource for individuals looking to improve the onboarding experience for their web applications. The site offers a wide range of resources including teardowns, patterns, training, and articles related to onboarding design. The teardowns section provides detailed analysis and lessons from popular web apps, such as WordPress, QuickBooks, and Bitcoin, allowing visitors to learn from their onboarding strategies. The patterns section showcases various patterns and best practices to effectively onboard new users. Additionally, User Onboarding offers coaching services for individuals seeking hands-on help in improving their own app's growth. With its frequently updated content and comprehensive resources, User Onboarding is an essential destination for anyone looking to optimize user onboarding for their web application.