An AI platform for analyzing customer feedback and delivering key patterns to improve products.
Unwrap.ai is an AI-powered feedback analytics platform that helps businesses understand their customer needs and build products that customers care about. With Unwrap, companies can save time and resources by easily integrating all feedback from public and private sources into one platform. The AI technology automatically finds key insights and patterns from the feedback data, allowing teams to improve their roadmap and ship product improvements. In addition, Unwrap allows businesses to send bulk emails to let customers know that their feedback has been heard. By using Unwrap, businesses can translate customer feedback into actionable insights, leading to unmatched value for their users. The platform offers a user-friendly dashboard, alerts, and an API that delivers the most actionable insights directly to users every day. Savvy product teams, including high-profile companies like Alexa, Gmail, and Capital One, rely on Unwrap to supercharge their user feedback loop, save time, and maximize engineering resources. Unwrap.ai is backed by world-class investors and is based in Santa Barbara, CA.