A highly configurable HTML renderer geared towards desktop apps and games. It's efficient, fast, and supports modern web technologies.
Ultralight is a next-generation HTML renderer designed for desktop applications and games. It is based on WebKit and supports modern HTML5, CSS, and JavaScript features while remaining lightweight and configurable. Ultralight is compatible with Windows, macOS, Linux, and Xbox platforms. It offers an official API for C and C++, and there are community-maintained bindings available for C#, Java, Rust, and Go. With its dual high-performance renderers, Ultralight enables ultra-fast rendering of HTML content. The GPU renderer allows rendering HTML directly on the GPU via Direct3D, Metal, OpenGL, or any other engine. The CPU renderer, on the other hand, can render HTML quickly to a bitmap and be easily integrated with just a few lines of code. One of Ultralight's key features is its compact size and low memory usage. By stripping down WebKit to its essentials and building a custom renderer from scratch, Ultralight delivers memory-efficient performance in a small package. Furthermore, Ultralight provides a high level of customization, allowing users to configure low-level allocator behavior, identify memory hotspots, and integrate existing resource loaders. For game developers, Ultralight offers the ability to power game UIs with HTML/JS. It supports rendering HTML to in-game textures using both the CPU and GPU renderers. It also provides a game integration guide and a low-level platform API to integrate the resource loader with a game's existing asset pipeline. Ultralight is not limited to game development alone. It also caters to desktop app developers, allowing them to build portable desktop apps using modern HTML/CSS/JS. The AppCore framework provided by Ultralight enables the creation of cross-platform windows and the ability to render to OS-native GPU surfaces. Ultralight offers different pricing options. There is a free license available for indie developers with less than $100K annual revenue. A subscription license is available for $2000 per app per year, providing full source code, build tools, dedicated engineering support, and the ability to statically link to proprietary modules. There is also an enterprise license available for large organizations with more complex licensing needs, offering custom development, integration consulting, support contracts, volume discounts, and more. Ultralight has a rich history, initially founded in 2008 as an open-source project named "Awesomium". It pioneered and developed the first Chromium embedding solution for games and applications, gaining over 100K downloads in a few months. In 2014, Ultralight started a rewrite aiming to build a faster, lighter, and portable HTML renderer based on WebKit. This effort led to the launch of Ultralight in 2018. Overall, Ultralight is a powerful and efficient HTML renderer suitable for a range of applications and games. It combines the speed and versatility of modern web technologies with a lightweight and configurable design. With its extensive platform support, robust API, and customizable features, Ultralight offers developers a comprehensive solution for rendering HTML content in desktop applications and games. To learn more about Ultralight and its features, including documentation and examples, interested customers can visit their website and explore the available resources.