An all-purpose inbox that integrates email, note taking and task management. Reduces clutter, improves productivity and keeps user data private.
Twobird is an all-purpose inbox that combines email, note-taking, task management, and reminders into one platform. With Twobird, users can write emails, create notes, set reminders, and assign to-dos, all within their email inbox. The platform aims to simplify the user's workflow by bringing together conversations, tasks, and collaboration in one place, making it easier to manage and prioritize important to-dos. The design of Twobird is focused on reducing clutter and improving productivity, with features like Low Priority and Reminders to help users filter out less important items and stay focused. It also offers seamless integration with other tools, allowing users to edit notes within conversations and set reminders for emails or quick notes. Twobird emphasizes privacy, ensuring that user data is kept private and not shared with third parties. The platform supports email accounts powered by Google or Microsoft, including Gmail, G Suite, and Outlook addresses. Twobird is free to use, with potential premium plans in the future. The app is developed by Ginger Labs, the creators of Notability. Overall, Twobird provides a comprehensive solution for managing emails, tasks, and notes within a single, convenient platform.