A global platform that connects businesses with freelancers for varied project needs, with a focus on diversity and cost-effectiveness.
Twine is an online marketplace that connects businesses with skilled freelancers, offering a platform for collaboration and access to diverse expertise. With over 35,000 companies already using Twine, it has built a global network of freelancers, allowing businesses to outsource content creation and build a more diverse and inclusive workforce. The platform caters to various needs, including marketing, engineering, and AI/ML. For marketing purposes, Twine offers freelancers who can scale creative output for different channels such as graphic design, animation, video production, and copywriting. Additionally, businesses can find engineering specialists to help scale their dev teams and improve end results. Twine also provides access to a massive global network of freelancers that can assist with creating voice, image, and video training datasets for machine learning projects. With half a million experts registered on the platform, Twine offers the ability to save costs and choose freelancers from specific countries or cities. The platform emphasizes diversity, with an option for companies to indicate their preference for diverse talent when posting projects. Moreover, Twine promotes the idea that a diverse mix of voices leads to better discussions, decisions, and outcomes. As companies increasingly require teams of contractors, Twine Enterprise offers a solution that can scale from two freelancers to hundreds. The platform's success-based pricing is lower than that of any recruiter, making it cost-effective. Twine also provides a portfolio for freelancers, making it easier for businesses to find the right person for their needs. Additionally, Twine offers an Enterprise managed service for large or complex projects. The platform has received positive feedback from customers, who appreciate the streamlined process and the ability to work with international talent. With a wide range of skills and tools covered, including video production, app and web development, graphic design, music, and digital marketing, Twine caters to the needs of creatives, developers, and marketers alike. Overall, Twine is a comprehensive and user-friendly platform that empowers businesses to find skilled freelancers and bring their projects to life.