Enables the generation of attractive color palettes and offers an API for design tools.
Tailwind CSS 11-color Palette Generator and API, called tints.dev, is a versatile and efficient tool designed to create palettes for Tailwind CSS. With a significant following of 358 stars on GitHub, this generator offers a fast and flexible solution to generate attractive color themes. The tool allows users to tweak the HSL values of the palette and choose a base color from a range of stops (50-950). By shifting the hue and increasing saturation at the extremes, users can create visually appealing palettes. The generator also provides options to adjust the lightness or luminance distribution. The principles behind this tool are influenced by the acclaimed Refactoring UI book by Adam Wathan & Steve Schoger. Unlike the book's recommendation to avoid automated tools, tints.dev streamlines the process of palette creation. Additionally, the tool offers an API to fetch palettes, which is particularly useful for design tools requiring a 50-950 palette from a single hex value. Developed by Simeon Griggs, with contributions from kevnk, tints.dev is built with Remix, designed with Tailwind CSS, and hosts content on Vercel. Users can simply copy the generated palette configuration into their tailwind.config.js file for easy implementation.