Time Doctor
A productivity tool for teams, offering features like time tracking, task management, and performance analytics.
Time Doctor is a trusted employee time tracking and productivity software that helps teams maximize their efficiency and productivity. With over 250,000 users worldwide, Time Doctor offers features such as automatic time tracking, task management, and employee monitoring to give insights into individual and overall performance. Managers can measure and analyze how their team spends their time, offering support and encouragement where needed. Employees benefit from tracking their time, gaining valuable knowledge about their strengths and weaknesses, leading to increased productivity and accountability. The software promotes a happy and productive work environment by enabling remote work with full transparency and accountability, allowing employees to work from anywhere. Time Doctor also provides solutions for different workforce types, including fully remote teams, hybrid workforces, and in-office employees. The software offers enterprise-level security and compliance, customizable user roles, and integrations with over 60 enterprise tools. With 24-hour multilingual customer service and a 99% uptime SLA, Time Doctor ensures a seamless and efficient user experience. To try out Time Doctor's features, customers can sign up for a free 14-day trial, with no credit card required.