Great for automating Notion workflows, with features that declutter Slack and simplify automation beyond Zapier.
the:gist is a powerful automation tool specifically designed for Notion workflows. It offers users the ability to save both time and money when creating automation processes within Notion. With the:gist, automating Notion workflows becomes easy and accessible, without the need for expensive and complicated solutions. The tool allows users to insert rows back into Notion databases, declutter Slack with Notion updates, and utilize webhooks to simplify automations. It even enables users to create sophisticated automations that go beyond what Zapier can handle. Notable features include Notion CRM follow-up reminders in Slack, recurring tasks in Notion for project management, and auto-generating Notion page titles for time-saving hacks. Trusted by professionals such as Notion consultants and social media managers, the:gist has proven to enhance the functionality of Notion workspaces. The tool offers straightforward pricing plans, starting from a free option with limited features to premium plans with higher limits on rules, triggered pages, emails, and webhooks. Additionally, the:gist provides a Slack community where users can seek assistance with automation ideas, implementation, and complex formulas. Developed by the team at Ternary LTD, the:gist is a reliable and efficient solution for automating Notion workflows.