Generates animated text GIFs with texture. Users choose from wide font & animation range, with instant downloads.
TEXTANIM is a website that offers an animated text generator, allowing users to create animated text pictures (GIFs) with texture in just 10 seconds. The site provides a wide range of options, including different fonts such as Anton, Wild world, Pulsar, Pomidor, Overt, Boldness-Regular, Retrograde, Molodo, Practice, TrickShot, Quantum, Failed, Art-brush, Bangers, Bebas, Overmuch, Borg, Brusher-Regular, Cabana-Regular, Coda-Heavy, Codystar-Regular, Comfortaa-Bold, Cornerstone, Creepster-Regular, Damion-Regular, DancingScript-Bold, DaysOne-Regular, DeliusUnicase-Bold, DigitalNumbers-Regular, Diplomata-Regular, EaterCaps-Regular, Electrolize-Regular, Ewert-Regular, FasterOne-Regular, FerroRosso, Flavors-Regular, Font, GochiHand-Regular, Knewave-Regular, Lemon-Regular, LiberationMono-Bold, Lobster, Monofett, Monoton-Regular, Norican-Regular, OleoScript-Bold, Orbitron-Bold, Pacha, Pacifico, PassionOne-Regular, PorterSansBlock-Regular, PressStart2P-Regular, Quicksand-Regular, Raleway-Bold, STRIPE, Sansation_Bold, ShadowsIntoLight, SourceCodePro-Bold, WorkSans-SemiBold, Zombie, bloody, ccaps, overmuch, randi, and velvetillusions. Users can also choose different background colors and animations, including bottom right to top, top to bottom, bottom to top, left to right, right to left, top left to bottom, and bottom left to top. The animation speed or delay can be set to 0.1s. The website emphasizes creating pretty animated text with textures and allowing users to choose from hundreds of fonts to create a unique style. The generated results can be downloaded instantly. Fonts and textures are constantly updated, ensuring a variety of options for users. The site features a user-friendly design, with the option to add a background color, which is set by default. Users can also change fonts, but for security reasons, they need to generate again to see the changes. It's important to note that the images created on the website are deleted every hour, so users are encouraged to download and host their results. The service is free of charge, and the website encourages users to enjoy and have a good day. In addition to the text generator, the website provides animated text examples and lists partner sites. The copyright for Textanim.com is © 2023, and contact information, as well as links to Twitter, cookies, and privacy policies, are provided on the site.