A social networking game allowing users to earn rewards by checking in to various locations.
Superlocal is a social network and game where users earn rewards by checking in to different places. The app, available for both Android and iOS devices, allows users to build their own lifelog by automatically keeping track of everywhere they go. Users can earn Superlocal Points by submitting check-in photos that get approved, and these points can be redeemed for exclusive Superlocal Stuff. Additionally, users have the opportunity to collect 1 of 1 Mayorships of various places around the world, showcasing their status as super fans and earning royalties when others visit those locations. The app also offers features such as statistics about the type of places users frequent, collectible badges for visiting cool spots, and a local community section to learn more about nearby people, places, and things. Superlocal is backed by top-tier investors and offers a unique and rewarding experience beyond the traditional social networking platforms.