Offers digital tools and resources for independent creatives to boost productivity and career success.
Supercreative is a Paris-based company that specializes in designing and selling digital tools for independent creatives. Their goal is to provide a comprehensive toolkit for solo creatives to help them earn a living from their work. The website offers a range of useful tools including CrowdGPT, a platform that provides top prompts shared in ChatGPT, and Instaprice, a tool that helps freelancers find the right price for their projects instantly. They also offer tools like Reply Rabbit, an AI reply copilot for responding to emails and chats, and Notion Pack, which provides freelance templates as Notion templates. Additionally, Supercreative offers resources such as a growing collection of inspiring websites, a code-to-design tool called Figmake, and various learning templates and gigs for designers. The company was founded in 2020 by Ben Issen and is trusted by over 40,000 creatives. Overall, Supercreative provides a valuable set of resources and tools for independent creatives to enhance their productivity and success in their careers.