An AI enabled platform for separating audio songs into vocals and instruments for enhanced musical experiences.
SplitMySong.com is an online platform that utilizes artificial intelligence to separate audio songs into vocals and instruments, making it incredibly easy for musicians and music enthusiasts. With the option to choose between a six-track or four-track model, users can upload their audio file and let the AI do the work. The platform also offers a mixer feature that allows users to modify volume, pan, tempo, pitch, delay, and master controls, providing full control over the sound they desire. The goal of SplitMySong.com is to enhance the musical experience by allowing users to play or sing along, hear the nuances of every riff or vocal performance, slow down or increase the tempo to master difficult passages, change the key of their songs, and even remix and create custom samples. The platform caters to musicians of all levels and offers a tutorial for new patrons to unlock their credits and use the service efficiently. As a patron, users receive credits every month to split songs in full length, and the credit calculator helps determine the appropriate membership level based on song duration and monthly consumption. SplitMySong.com provides answers to commonly asked questions and offers support and feedback channels for users. Overall, this platform offers an innovative and comprehensive solution for musicians looking to isolate and manipulate audio tracks.