AI-powered contract tool that drafts, reviews and suggests language for legal documents.
Spellbook is an innovative AI-powered contract drafting and review tool that aims to revolutionize the legal profession. Leveraging the power of GPT-4 and other large language models, Spellbook offers precise AI redlining features right within Microsoft Word. With the ability to draft contracts three times faster, Spellbook suggests language and terms for contracts by drawing from its extensive training on billions of lines of legal text. It can instantly draft new clauses, detect aggressive or unusual terms, suggest missing language and clauses, and offer negotiation suggestions. In addition to its legal expertise, Spellbook also has a strong understanding of the world, having been trained on various sources like Wikipedia, books, and the internet. Powered by OpenAI's GPT-4 and specifically tuned for legal applications, Spellbook offers exceptional performance. The tool has garnered significant attention, with over 40,000 lawyers signing up to try it, demonstrating its high demand and potential to streamline legal processes. With its comprehensive features, speed, and precision, Spellbook is set to transform the way lawyers draft and review contracts.