Helps businesses choose software by providing reviews, rankings, reports, and advisory services.
SoftwareReviews is a comprehensive platform that helps businesses make better software decisions. With its vast collection of reviews, rankings, and reports, users can compare and evaluate different enterprise software options. The platform covers a wide range of software categories including data and BI, application development and management, content management, IT infrastructure, communications and collaboration, human resources, IT operations, privacy and risk, commerce, ERP and supporting systems, marketing and sales, IT security, and project management. In addition to providing in-depth reviews, SoftwareReviews also offers a selection support framework, rapid application selection workshops, and advisory calls to assist businesses in their software selection process. The platform offers fact-based, unbiased technology reviews and provides insight and data visualization tools to keep the selection team aligned. With over 20 years of experience and a team of over 670 people, SoftwareReviews has established itself as a trusted source for software selection guidance.