Snappy Gifts
Snappy Gifts
An easy-to-use platform for sending gift choice to anyone. Offers gift tracking, integrations, and personalization.
Snappy Gifts is a platform that allows businesses and individuals to easily send gift choices to employees, customers, friends, and family. With over 2 million thank you notes sent through Snappy, it is clear that it is a trusted service for expressing gratitude and recognition. The platform offers a wide range of gift collections that include gifts, sweets, snacks, digital options, and donations. These collections are expertly curated and can be customized to create a personalized gift experience. Recipients have the freedom to choose their favorite gift from top brands and unique picks, ensuring that they receive something they truly want. Snappy also offers branded gifts, making them perfect for showcasing organization pride during onboarding, company celebrations, conferences, and events. The platform takes care of everything, allowing users to track gift status, view insights, and receive thank you notes and feedback from happy recipients. Snappy also offers integrations with over 5000 apps, making it easy to automate corporate reward and incentive programs. With more than 40% of the Fortune 100 trusting Snappy, it is clear that they are an industry leader in employee and customer gifting. Whether you are looking to reward and recognize employees or send personalized gifts to friends and family, Snappy has the perfect solution for you.