A platform offering live chat and chatbots for sales growth and customer engagement.
Smartsupp is an online shopping assistant that aims to drive online sales through conversations. They offer a range of features including live chat, chatbots, and lead generation tools to engage visitors and increase sales. With over 100,000 active customers worldwide, Smartsupp has proven results in helping businesses succeed. Some impressive numbers include 150 conversations per day, 3000 daily visits, and 40% of all queries resolved by the chatbot. These numbers highlight the effectiveness of Smartsupp in engaging with customers and saving time for businesses. In addition, there are several case studies showcasing the positive impact of Smartsupp on conversion rates, sales leads, and average order value. For example, one case study showed a 40% conversion to a deal, a 25% increase in sales leads, and an 18% conversion to chat on mobile. Smartsupp also offers a conversational AI chatbot that can handle up to 397% more sales and resolve 30% of customer queries. The website also features testimonials from satisfied customers who have experienced the benefits of using Smartsupp, such as effortlessly managing multiple customers, generating leads instantly, and avoiding being tied up on the phone all day. Overall, Smartsupp offers a comprehensive toolkit for businesses to enhance their online success by providing a human touch, saving time, and increasing conversions.