An AI tool for quick access to company info, with features like doc verification and Slack integration.
Slite is an AI-powered knowledge base that provides quick access to trusted company information. One of the unique features of Slite is its AI assistant called Ask, which allows users to ask questions and get instant answers instead of searching through endless documents. The AI technology behind Slite can generate answers in seconds, ensuring that users can find the information they need quickly and efficiently. The platform is purpose-built for centralized knowledge and offers features like doc verification, seamless editing, and insights into team reading and searching behavior. With over 200,000 growing teams using Slite as their single source of truth, it is clear that the platform brings everyone together and reduces repetitive questions. Slite also offers integration with Slack, allowing users to search for relevant company docs directly in Slack and receive notifications. In the future, Slite plans to introduce AI-powered features like summarizing doc content. The platform is highly rated by users and has been recognized as an industry leader on G2. Overall, Slite provides a clutter-free, clean interface with all the necessary features for knowledge management, project documentation, employee onboarding, and meeting notes.