This platform provides AI-powered analytics and data integration tools for revenue generation.
Sisense is a powerful analytics platform that enables users to convert data into revenue by embedding AI-powered analytics into their products. With pro-code, low-code, and no-code capabilities, Sisense offers a range of solutions for developers and provides the necessary resources for successful integration. The Sisense Fusion Analytics Platform allows for the fast development of data products with APIs and SDKs. By creating intuitive data products, users can drive engagement and increase solution value, standing out from the competition. Sisense Fusion also offers ML models, AI insights, and an analytic engine, making it easy and cost-effective to develop predictive insights. The platform is loved by development teams, with robust APIs and SDKs that integrate seamlessly into their existing ecosystems. User experience is prioritized, ensuring that analytics are part of the overall UX. Sisense is cloud-native and operates in any cloud infrastructure, enabling users to run the system wherever they choose. With a focus on delivering actionable insights and universally accessible data, Sisense is trusted and loved by industry leaders. The platform also offers a range of features, including data visualization, data insights, data-driven decisions, alerts, and predictions. Sisense has demonstrated positive results, with increased customer satisfaction, renewals, and growth reported by its users. Implementing Sisense can lead to significant time savings and increased efficiency. The platform allows users to build their products with Sisense's analytics, delivering data storytelling and clear decision-making. By embedding Sisense's analytics into their products, companies can generate revenue and create new opportunities for growth. With various deployment options, powerful APIs, and SDKs, Sisense offers flexibility at scale to support seamless execution of data products. By tapping into AI-powered insights, developers can control analytics code, integrate AI/ML, and execute their data product roadmap effectively. Overall, Sisense provides a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to leverage the power of analytics and AI to drive revenue and create data-driven products.