Simple Analytics
Simple Analytics
A GDPR compliant analytics tool offering visitor insights with no personal data storage.
Simple Analytics is a privacy-focused Google Analytics alternative that is 100% GDPR compliant. It is an EU-based and hosted platform that does not use cookies and has received approval from legal teams. The platform is trusted by over 600 governments, NGOs, and small to mid-sized enterprises, including Michelin, Hyundai, the Government of the United Kingdom, and Havas Media Group. Simple Analytics offers a simple and easy-to-use dashboard that provides insights about website visitors, their sources, and their activities. The platform does not store any personal data about visitors and does not require cookie banners. It also offers features like Goals-tracker and Events Explorer to track important events and conversion funnels. Its lightweight script helps improve website speed. Simple Analytics can be easily integrated with other tools like Google Tag Manager, WordPress, and frontend framework plugins. It allows for data export to systems like Power BI, Google Looker Studio, and data lakes. The platform provides event tracking without tracing individuals and offers the option to automate reports. It also offers dark mode for working at night and a mobile app for monitoring the dashboard on the go. Simple Analytics provides three pricing plans: Starter, Business, and Enterprise, with different limits on datapoints, users, and websites. The platform calculates charges based on actual usage, and there are flexible payment options available. Customers can cancel their subscription at any time. Overall, Simple Analytics aims to provide accurate and actionable insights while prioritizing user privacy and data protection.