Shift Nudge
Shift Nudge
Offers a comprehensive online course on interface design, covering various techniques and elements. Suitable for individuals at varying skill levels, it provides over 30 hours of educational content and a supportive community for feedback.
Shift Nudge is an online learning platform that offers an interface design course for individuals who want to enhance their design skills and create beautiful and functional interfaces. The course is suitable for aspiring and junior designers, students or recent graduates, developers, struggling designers, UX designers, and project managers. It covers various topics such as typography, layout techniques, color selection, design direction, interface elements, and real-world tactics. The course includes over 80 lessons, 1000+ critique videos, and offers more than 30 hours of content. It also boasts a Slack community with over 3000 members. Shift Nudge has received positive reviews and a 5-star rating from students and professionals working in top companies such as Apple, EA Sports, Figma, Microsoft, and more. The course is created and taught by Matt, a highly skilled and experienced interface designer with a BFA in Graphic Design. The learning experience is flexible, allowing individuals to go through the course at their own pace and access the content anytime. Students can also engage with the Shift Nudge community to share their designs and receive feedback. Overall, Shift Nudge provides a comprehensive and valuable learning experience for individuals who want to master interface design and build a strong portfolio.