A PPC software platform allowing agencies to manage their advertising budgets, optimize campaigns, and convert PPC performance data into marketing insights.
Shape is a PPC software platform that provides powerful tools for agencies to take control of their PPC spend. With Shape, agencies can easily manage their PPC budgets, ensuring that they never have to worry about pacing or over/underspending again. The platform offers easy-to-use dashboards and intelligent automation tools, eliminating the need for complicated spreadsheets, scripts, and manual budget adjustments. Additionally, Shape allows agencies to build custom advertising solutions to streamline processes and scale results. The Advertising Data Infrastructure unifies every interaction with PPC data, allowing agencies to focus on launching industry-leading solutions. Shape also enables agencies to transform PPC performance data into marketing insights and strategies by importing cross-channel data into reporting and business intelligence tools. Testimonials from satisfied customers highlight the effectiveness and time-saving benefits of using Shape. In summary, Shape's PPC automation software is a comprehensive solution for agencies looking to efficiently manage their PPC budgets, optimize campaigns, and drive results.