A source for web and mobile UI design inspiration across various industries.
Screenlane is a website that provides UI design inspiration for both web and mobile platforms. Users can sign up to receive regular updates on the best UI designs directly in their inbox. The website offers a wide range of categories to filter designs, including app screens, landing pages, and user flows. In addition, there are various industries covered such as e-commerce, health, music, social network, finance, media, project management, SaaS, and marketing. Screenlane also features popular apps like Asana, Reflectly, Pinterest, Honk, Universe, and Glow. However, it is important to note that Screenlane is no longer actively updated, as the creator has decided to focus on other projects after running this site, Page Flows, and Page Collective for more than 5 years. Nevertheless, Screenlane remains a valuable resource for those seeking inspiration and staying up-to-date with the latest mobile UI design trends.