A marketing automation tool focused on personalized engagement across multiple channels.
Sailthru, now known as Marigold, is a leading marketing automation platform that specializes in personalized email marketing services. With a focus on cross-channel customer engagement, Sailthru helps marketers establish deeper connections with consumers by delivering personalized experiences across email, web, mobile, and SMS. The platform boasts robust customer profiles that capture key insights on interests, behavior, and purchase tendencies, enabling marketers to easily personalize messaging for every customer. Sailthru has a proven track record of delivering results, with increases in clickthrough rate and revenue by 10x and average order value by 44%. The platform is marketer-friendly and offers hands-on training opportunities and resources to help marketers stay up to date with marketing trends and best practices. Sailthru is committed to partnership, offering support beyond platform navigation and troubleshooting, and helping clients develop long-term marketing strategies. With a focus on relationship marketing, Sailthru emphasizes the importance of creating meaningful connections with customers to drive loyalty and revenue. Overall, Sailthru is a powerful marketing automation platform that offers extensive personalization capabilities, proven results, and dedicated support to help businesses grow.