Streamline and customize business process integrations for commerce, payments, and accounting tasks.
Rutter is a website that offers a universal API for commerce, accounting, payments, and more. Companies can use Rutter to build integrations that allow them to read and write data from any e-commerce platform, marketplace, accounting system, or payment processor. With Rutter, businesses can ship robust integrations to their customers faster by adding read and write capabilities to various accounting, commerce, and payment platforms. Rutter is a trusted integration partner for fast-growing companies, and they offer frictionless authentication to connect to customers' accounts. The platform provides one API to integrate with multiple commerce, accounting, and payment platforms, making it easier for businesses to streamline their operations. Rutter offers solutions for different use cases such as AR automation, marketplaces, shipping and fulfillment, business underwriting, expense management, and AP automation. By using Rutter, businesses can automate various workflows, sync data in real-time, maximize platform coverage, and customize their integrations based on their specific needs. Rutter has been highly praised by customers for its tech-forward engineering team, smooth onboarding experience, and time-saving capabilities. The website provides resources such as case studies, documentation, and the ability to request a demo or get API keys. Rutter supports a wide range of commerce, accounting, and payment platforms, including popular ones like Amazon, Shopify, Quickbooks, PayPal, and Stripe. Overall, Rutter offers a comprehensive solution for businesses looking to streamline their integrations and improve efficiency in their operations.