Riddle Quiz Maker
Riddle Quiz Maker
Helps create interactive content, engage audience, and collects leads. Integrates with major platforms and is GDPR-compliant.
Riddle Quiz Maker is a powerful tool that allows users to create unlimited interactive content, engage their audience, and collect leads. The platform is 100% GDPR-compliant, ensuring the privacy and data security of users. With a no-code, visual content creator, users can quickly and easily build content such as personality quizzes, graded quizzes, timed quizzes, product recommendations, contests, audience polls, and more. Riddle offers flexible lead capture options and the ability to enrich and segment leads by combining data from answers and results with form data. The platform is trusted by thousands of brands and is built with privacy in mind. Riddle's appearance editor allows users to match their brand's style, and the tool is fully customizable with custom CSS. Riddle quizzes work on any site, from Wordpress to Shopify, and are mobile-friendly. The platform also offers lightning-fast support and is WCAG 2.1-compliant for fully accessible content. Riddle is perfect for increasing audience engagement, driving time on site, and increasing social sharing. It is also a fantastic tool for marketing purposes, as it helps capture more detailed leads, retarget leads with Facebook Pixel, and easily connect to marketing tools such as Mailchimp, ActiveCampaign, and AWeber. Riddle offers integrations with popular platforms like Zapier, Google Sheets, and more. Users can start with a free trial and there are no long-term contracts or setup fees. Overall, Riddle Quiz Maker is a versatile and user-friendly platform that provides a wide range of features for creating engaging and interactive content.