Provides alerts when reservations open at desired restaurants on OpenTable.
Reed Kavner created Rezhound in 2012 as a personal tool to secure reservations at San Francisco's State Bird Provisions. It quickly gained popularity and Reed decided to release it publicly, allowing anyone to use it for any restaurant on OpenTable. Rezhound operated by sending email or text notifications whenever a reservation became available. It garnered attention from media outlets such as Gizmodo, Thrillist, and Eater. Over its lifetime, Rezhound processed more than 200,000 reservation requests for over 10,000 restaurants, with some users submitting over 1,000 requests. However, Reed eventually discontinued Rezhound due to frequent technical issues and the availability of similar reservation alert features on OpenTable and other reservation apps. Despite its discontinuation, Rezhound received positive feedback from users who expressed gratitude for the opportunities and memorable dining experiences it provided. Rezhound was always free, but Reed encourages former users to consider making a donation to No Kid Hungry to support their efforts to end childhood hunger in America.