A global corporate gifting platform that utilizes data-driven strategies to boost ROI.
Reachdesk is the world's #1 global corporate gifting platform designed to help businesses unlock the power of gifting at scale for revenue success. The platform utilizes data-driven gifting to increase pipeline, close more deals, and connect with more customers. By going beyond mass, spammy marketing and providing a personal touch, businesses can generate game-changing ROI. Reachdesk allows users to create memorable sales experiences, build lasting relationships with customers, boost employer brand, and create a happy, high-performing workplace. With Reachdesk, businesses can reach over 165 countries and experience a 480% increase in ROI. The platform offers features, integrations, and a wide range of resources including blog posts, eBooks, webinars/events, and helpful documentation. Reachdesk's customers have praised its ability to facilitate meaningful outbound marketing programs, foster valuable relationships, and automate the sending of swag. The company provides a privacy policy, terms and conditions, and a cookie policy to ensure the security and protection of personal data.