Qualys, Inc.
Qualys, Inc.
Provides comprehensive IT security and compliance automation, enabling vulnerability management and threat detection.
Qualys, Inc. is an IT security and compliance platform that provides organizations with a comprehensive solution to automate auditing, compliance, and protection of their IT systems and web applications. The Qualys Cloud Platform offers a range of services, including vulnerability management, threat detection, and posture management. With a single agent and a unified view, organizations can prevent, detect, and respond to security threats effectively. The platform also includes external attack surface management, allowing organizations to continuously discover, prioritize, and remediate vulnerabilities in their on-premises, cloud, and hybrid networks and assets. Qualys offers free services such as Global AssetView, SSL Labs, and BrowserCheck, along with paid services tailored to specific needs like infrastructure security, web app security, and compliance. The platform boasts impressive numbers, including indexing over 8 trillion data points, handling 2 trillion security events per year, and conducting 6 billion IP scans and audits annually. It offers unparalleled visibility, speed, and scale to help organizations manage their IT security and compliance stack efficiently. With over 10,000 subscription customers worldwide, including prominent companies like Forbes Global 100 and Fortune 100, Qualys is a trusted and cost-effective solution for securing IT assets.