Helps product managers prioritize features and understand customer needs. Allows efficient workflows with integrations and AI capabilities.
Productboard is a suite of product management software tools designed to help product managers better understand customer needs, prioritize features, and rally everyone around a product roadmap. The software offers features such as building and sharing roadmaps, prioritizing features based on user insights and company priorities, centralizing customer feedback, validating ideas through a public portal, and enabling efficient workflows with integrations and APIs. Productboard also includes AI capabilities to improve product decisions and deliver faster. The software aims to empower product teams to build better products by aligning everyone on priorities, centralizing customer feedback, and providing confidence in what to build. The company boasts over 6,000 innovative companies that use their product management system, with customers reporting improved efficiency, increased customer satisfaction, and considering Productboard as their single source of truth for customer insights. With a focus on continuous insights, data-driven prioritization, and collaborative roadmaps, Productboard aims to unlock efficiency and outcomes for product teams.