A comprehensive search engine providing financial insights and data for US private companies.
PrivCo is a comprehensive and powerful search engine for private company data in the US. They provide valuable insights into the financial health, market position, and trajectory of over 797,000 private companies across 1,000+ verticals in multiple industries. With over 146 million data points, PrivCo offers seamless access to up-to-date revenues, EBITDA, and growth signals. Their proprietary algorithms, industry-leading keyword tagging, and specialized technology allow users to analyze verticals and financials at an unprecedented scale. With 90,000+ users on their platform, PrivCo's solutions ensure that professionals, academics, executive search agencies, corporate development teams, venture capitalists, and investment bankers can make informed business decisions based on actionable insights. They offer advanced search options, exclusive access to hard-to-find financials, collaborative watchlists, and API solutions to streamline research workflows and stay updated. Additionally, PrivCo provides industry insights through informative reports on trends, top companies, and valuations.