Offers AI-powered photo and video editing tools. Users can apply various filters for professional results.
Polarr is a web and mobile application that offers a wide range of photo and video editing tools. With Polarr, users can enhance their images and videos using advanced AI-powered filters and editing features. The platform offers millions of filters created by creators worldwide, allowing users to explore and apply various styles and presets to their content. Whether it's editing photos or leveling up their videos with trendy aesthetic effects, Polarr provides the necessary tools to achieve professional-looking results. The application is available on both iOS and Android platforms, and for those seeking advanced editing capabilities, Polarr Pro offers additional features on iOS, macOS, Windows, and the web. Polarr also offers a video editing app called 24FPS, which enables users to add unique and fashionable aesthetic effects to their videos. With a focus on elevating aesthetics and providing advanced editing tools, Polarr is a go-to platform for photographers, videographers, and content creators.