Allows building of powerful low-code solutions for streamlining work and driving business forward.
Podio is a website that allows users to build powerful low-code business solutions to customize work and communication. With features such as consolidated data, action-oriented overview, robust workflows, and a centralized work hub, Podio brings all content, conversations, and processes into one collaboration point. The platform also offers fast setup, full control, and easy administration, giving users the ability to define roles, control access, and quickly make adjustments. With Podio, teams can experience fast communication by bringing clients, freelancers, and external parties into the platform, eliminating lengthy email threads and time-consuming file sharing. Additionally, Podio ensures secure and reliable operations, with a stability rate of 99.99% uptime, secure hosting with Amazon Web Services, HTTPS-encryption, and compliance with security standards like ISO27001. The website offers various features such as web and mobile accessibility, automated workflows, meeting scheduling, data visualization, social collaboration, task management, granular access control, unlimited storage, personal dashboards, connected CRM, project management, integrated chat, and full customization. Overall, Podio provides a comprehensive solution for teams to streamline their work and drive their business forward.