Planet Crust
Provides solutions for building custom business process apps and workflows with flexibility and speed.
Planet Crust is a website that offers solutions for building custom ERP, CRM, and BPM apps and workflows. The platform, called Corteza, is a powerful open-source low-code platform that allows users to build complex business process apps from scratch or customize pre-built solutions. With Corteza, users can enjoy freedom, flexibility, performance, and speed. There is no vendor lock-in and complete app configurations, workflows, and record data can be exported and imported without any limits. Users can build and customize as many applications and workflows as they want, integrate with any record-based system, and connect between apps and instances. The platform also ensures high performance across all Corteza apps and easy integration with external apps. Building and deploying web apps is faster compared to traditional coding, and implementing business process workflows is a breeze. Corteza is written in Golang, making it a 100% open-source platform. The website also highlights customer stories and showcases how companies like Ledgertech and Herotel have benefited from using Corteza. In addition to app-building capabilities, Planet Crust offers various services such as app building, training, enterprise and support services. They provide custom apps for small businesses, MVPs and go-to-market solutions, enterprise development services, and support and maintenance for Corteza.