An AI-powered platform that improves digital experiences with analytics, feedback collection, and app development.
Pendo.io is a product experience and digital adoption solutions provider. Their all-in-one product experience platform, powered by artificial intelligence (AI), helps companies become product-led and deliver digital experiences that users love. Pendo offers a wide range of products and tools to enhance digital experiences, including analytics, mobile app development, in-app guides, data synchronization, feedback collection, SaaS portfolio insights, roadmapping, and integrations with other favorite apps. Pendo's solutions cater to both customers and employees, enabling user onboarding, in-app support, product-led growth, user experience optimization, product planning, revenue growth, SaaS portfolio management, employee experience enhancement, governance and compliance, employee productivity improvement, and change management. Pendo's platform is trusted by leading companies around the world, offering benefits such as a 15% decrease in support tickets, a 30% increase in qualified leads, and a 5% reduction in customer churn. The company provides valuable resources, including a demo center, webinars, self-guided tours, blogs, e-books, research, a product-led hub, certification courses, a help center, and developer tools and glossary. Pendo's success stories include partnerships with iRobot, Elsevier, JLL, Alarm.com, Okta, and Morgan Stanley, showcasing the positive impact of their solutions on various industries. With their comprehensive platform, easy-to-use solutions, retroactive analytics, and commitment to customer success through education and events, Pendo is a preferred choice for organizations looking to improve their digital experiences and achieve their business goals.