Offers payment infrastructure services to businesses for smooth financial transactions.
NymCard is a comprehensive payment infrastructure provider that offers a range of services to facilitate smooth and efficient financial transactions. As Principal Members of Visa and Mastercard, NymCard provides advanced payment infrastructure for businesses, allowing them to focus on growth while NymCard handles the technical aspects. With over 150 APIs, detailed documentation, and licensing model assistance, NymCard helps businesses quickly build and launch their financial products. NymCard also simplifies compliance by incorporating BIN sponsorship, 3DS Secure, and adherence to schemes, as well as offering fraud detection, transactional screening, KYC, and KYB processes. Additionally, NymCard's program management service provides comprehensive support throughout the payment infrastructure building process, including sales, technical assistance, and onboarding. NymCard's platform offers complete control over payments infrastructure, with modular workflows that can be customized to meet specific business needs. The platform includes various building blocks such as open APIs, use-case guides, design kits, and white-label solutions. NymCard's services cater to various banking needs, including prepaid cards, multi-currency cards, charge and credit cards, and buy now pay later options. NymCard supports partnerships with top banks, schemes, and payment providers, empowering businesses to make informed decisions and navigate the complex regulatory landscape. The platform is designed to scale rapidly, allowing businesses to expand into new markets with ease. NymCard's expert support helps navigate regulatory requirements, giving businesses confidence in their expansion plans. With a strong track record of successful collaborations and partnerships, NymCard has received positive testimonials from various clients.