An open-source software suite for interactive computing and creating personalized notebook apps.
nteract is an open-source organization focused on creating interactive computing experiences. They provide a range of tools, including SDKs, applications, and libraries, that help users make the most of interactive notebooks and REPLs (Read-Eval-Print Loops). Their desktop application for interactive notebooks is a great way to dive into their ecosystem. nteract also offers a suite of notebook-based applications for various scenarios, allowing users to edit notebooks in different environments, such as desktop apps or favorite editors. Users can even build their own interactive notebook apps using nteract's client-side SDK. Moreover, nteract provides libraries for executing notebooks, managing team notebooks, and leveraging notebooks for reporting and other purposes. These tools enable users to create comprehensive end-to-end notebook experiences. For more information, nteract offers a blog, documentation, and various support options. Overall, nteract is committed to building the future of interactive computing and offers a comprehensive suite of tools to empower users in this space.