A marketplace offering templates, courses, and tools to optimize the use of Notion. Features over 300 templates for various needs.
Notionery is a comprehensive platform that offers a marketplace for all things Notion, including templates, courses, tools, and more. It is a valuable resource for individuals and businesses looking to learn how to use Notion effectively to build ideas, products, and businesses. Notionery provides a wide range of templates, including those designed by certified Notion consultants such as William Nutt, Alejandra Cienfuegos, and David de Céspedes, among others. These templates cater to various needs, such as startups, building a second brain, task management, time blocking, household management, and productivity enhancement. The platform also features a collection of mental models made in Notion by Notionery, making it easy to apply these models to everyday life. Notionery has a diverse range of categories, including startups, productivity, social media and content, school, lifestyle, and reading and writing. With over 300 templates from over 100 creators, Notionery has garnered the trust of more than 4,000 happy customers. Their platform is 2+ years old and has been featured on various platforms such as Notion Templates, Free Notion Templates, Notion Tools & Apps, and Learn Notion. By subscribing to Notionery's monthly newsletter, customers can stay up-to-date with the latest Notion templates, tips, and more. Notionery is dedicated to empowering people to live and work in a more thoughtful and meaningful way through the use of Notion.