A Notion course builder for easy online course creation. Features include collecting payments, custom domains, and learner feedback updates.
Noggin is a Notion course builder that allows you to quickly and easily create online courses without any coding. With Noggin, you can turn your expertise into bite-sized, dynamic courses that can be adapted to your learners' needs. The platform offers features such as the ability to collect payments, use custom domains, integrate third-party tools, and update your course material based on learner feedback or new insights. Noggin ensures fast loading times for your courses, even faster than the average Notion page. Pricing plans are available for different needs, starting from a free option during the beta phase. The Creator plan offers unlimited courses, easy templates, a theme library, and more. The Genius plan adds features like custom domains, sales analytics, and curated resources pages. The Mastermind plan includes customizable and whitelabeled courses, learner progress analytics, and team management, among other features. For those needing even more power, the Mogul plan offers additional options such as running cohort-based courses. Noggin is set to launch soon, and signing up for the beta list will ensure you'll be one of the first to know.