No Means No Worldwide
No Means No Worldwide
Provides training to prevent sexual and gender-based violence globally, focusing on assertiveness, equality and consent.
No Means No Worldwide is an international non-governmental organization with a mission to end sexual and gender-based violence against women and children globally. They train instructors in high-risk environments to deliver their proven No Means No sexual and gender-based violence prevention curricula to girls and boys ages 10-20. Through the program, girls gain skills in assertiveness, boundary setting, and understanding their rights, while boys cultivate gender equitable attitudes and learn skills to defend equality, avoid violence, ask for consent, and intervene in potential sexual assaults. No Means No Worldwide works with over 50 implementing partners in multiple countries and has seen a decrease in the incidence of rape, high success rates of boys who intervene to prevent assaults, and a decrease in pregnancy-related school dropouts. Their Empowerment Self-Defense model is evidence-based and has been endorsed by world health leaders for its effectiveness. They receive support from organizations like the CDC and PEPFAR and are a registered 501(c)3 charity.