Offers authentication, payment solutions, user accounts, and easy content gating for businesses.
Memberstack is a powerful tool that provides authentication and payment solutions for companies using Webflow, Stripe, and React. With Memberstack, businesses can easily gate content, create free accounts, sell digital services, and build premium member communities. The platform boasts over 50,000 happy users and is trusted by founders and agencies alike. Memberstack offers a range of features including user accounts, Stripe payments, flexible APIs, social logins, and integration with over 1000 other tools. The platform also supports frontend and backend APIs, allowing businesses to customize and scale their operations. With Memberstack, users can easily launch their projects with Webflow, validate their ideas, and seamlessly transition to a React frontend when necessary. The platform also provides data export capabilities, allowing businesses to export subscription and member data at any time. The intuitive design of Memberstack's interface and the exceptional customer support make it a popular choice among web developers and designers. With Memberstack, businesses can unlock dozens of payment methods, integrate with various tools, and implement single sign-on functionality, all while maintaining control over their user base and revenue.