Open-source UI Kit with versatile components and templates. Offers Bootstrap versions and optimizes code.
MDB (Material Design for Bootstrap) is a highly trusted and popular open-source UI Kit that is used by over 2,000,000 developers and designers. It offers versions for Vanilla JavaScript, Angular, React, Vue, and jQuery. MDB provides top-quality, well-documented, and reliable components and templates that are consistent and easy to install in just 1 minute. With MDB, developers have the flexibility to choose between Bootstrap 5 and Bootstrap 4 versions, and there are also specialized versions for different technologies such as Angular 13, React 18, and Vue 3. The UI Kit offers a wide range of key components that are essential for every project, including forms, cards, buttons, and more. MDB also offers a Pro version with advanced components like charts, datatables, and pickers for more advanced needs. Additionally, MDB provides a unique design system called Material Minimal, which combines the best of Material Design with subtlety, elegance, and a unique taste. Theming and customization are made easy with MDB's CSS variables, sass files, and powerful API that allows developers to customize components, utilities, and layouts according to their needs and preferences. MDB also offers top-quality tutorials and beginner-friendly example-based courses to help users make the most of the MDB ecosystem. For seamless deployment and hosting, MDB provides MDB GO, a free hosting and deployment tool that offers easy publishing of projects with a single command. One of the notable advantages of using MDB is its super easy optimization feature, which allows developers to reduce Bootstrap weight by up to 90% and remove any unused CSS and JS code, resulting in a lighter and maximally optimized package. In terms of integrations, MDB is integrated with major technologies such as Node.js, PHP, Python, and Ruby. The MDB community and support team are available to provide assistance and support for users. MDB is also compatible with popular tools like Vite, webpack, and parcel. It supports right-to-left functionality and offers easy internationalization (i18n) for translating Bootstrap projects into different languages. The MDB Playground is a useful feature that allows developers to test MDB in the browser and share solutions with the community. MDB provides resources such as useful tips, free resources, and exclusive subscriber-only content through their mailing list. Overall, MDB is a comprehensive and powerful UI Kit that offers a wide range of features, flexibility, customization options, and integrations, making it an ideal choice for developers and designers looking to create stunning and efficient web projects.