Offers professional services automation software for operational efficiency, team collaboration, and data-driven decision making in organizations.
Mavenlink, now known as The Kantata Industry Cloud for Professional Services™, is a website that offers professional services automation (PSA) and resource management software specifically designed for professional services organizations. The website emphasizes the benefits of using the Kantata Cloud for Professional Services™ in order to improve operational performance and better serve clients. With the Kantata platform, users can effortlessly staff optimal teams, respond to project changes in real-time, and gain a deeper understanding of operational performance. The website highlights four key areas of functionality: resource management, operations management, integrations, and workflow, and business intelligence. Under resource management, users can learn how to improve client outcomes by managing demand, matching resources, and optimizing allocations. In the operations management section, the website focuses on streamlining and simplifying operational processes through project management, team collaboration, and project accounting. Additionally, Kantata offers out-of-the-box integrations to make the most of existing systems, along with the ability to integrate data, automate workflows, and explore APIs. The website also emphasizes leveraging insights by tapping into up-to-the-minute project, team, and financial data, leading to improved project visibility, accurate forecasting, and efficient growth. Overall, The Kantata Industry Cloud for Professional Services™ offers a comprehensive suite of tools and features to help professional services organizations improve their resource management, operational efficiency, and client outcomes.