Mastermind Manager
Mastermind Manager
A video conferencing platform for running impactful mastermind groups with built-in tools.
Mastermind Manager is a website and app that caters to facilitators and coaches who want to make an impact through running effective mastermind groups. The platform provides video conferencing capabilities, built-in agendas, timers, chat functionality, and goal tracking. The concept of mastermind alliances has been around since 1937 when Napoleon Hill popularized it in his book "Think and Grow Rich." Successful individuals throughout history, including Benjamin Franklin, C.S. Lewis, JRR Tolkien, Theodore Roosevelt, Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, Warren G. Harding, and Harvey Firestone, have utilized mastermind groups to generate innovative ideas, make significant achievements, and support one another. Mastermind Manager emphasizes the benefits of joining a mastermind group, such as goal-setting, brainstorming, support, networking, and accountability. While traditional mastermind groups were held in-person, Mastermind Manager embraces modern technology, allowing people to connect globally through conference calls and virtual meetings. The platform also offers guidance on starting and managing a mastermind group. With its user-friendly interface and essential meeting management tools, Mastermind Manager aims to help facilitators and participants achieve meaningful results in their mastermind experiences.