Offers open API solutions to instantly process payments and issue cards, allowing businesses to innovate.
Marqeta is the world's first modern card issuing platform that offers open API solutions for businesses. With the ability to instantly issue cards and process payments, Marqeta empowers innovators to change the world. From global enterprises to booming startups, Marqeta is trusted by industry leaders in on-demand delivery, expense management, digital banking, and more. The platform is known for its flexibility and scalability, catering to unique payment needs and providing dynamic spend controls. Marqeta's open APIs allow businesses to create new payment products or streamline supplier and workforce payments. The platform also offers accelerated time to market, leveraging existing relationships with issuing banks, networks, and card fulfillment providers. With a focus on trust and security, Marqeta helps businesses detect fraud, control spending, and ensure compliance and uptime. The platform's global-ready infrastructure allows for easy expansion across the United States, Europe, and Asia. Marqeta boasts impressive results, including processing over 152 billion in volume in 2022, platform uptime of 99.99% in 2022, and operating in 40 certified countries. With over 10 years of modern card issuing experience, Marqeta serves as a trusted partner and offers guidance from setup to launch and scale. The platform has received praise from notable companies like Affirm and Western Union for its technology and ability to expedite time to market. Marqeta's mission is to build innovative products that people love, and they prioritize making their customers successful by providing expertise and support throughout the process. For businesses looking to innovate in the payment space, Marqeta is a reliable and cutting-edge solution.