Plugin for creating, designing, and sending email newsletters directly from WordPress.
MailPoet is a newsletter plugin for WordPress that is trusted by 300,000 websites. It allows users to send newsletters, post notifications, and automate email marketing for WooCommerce. With over 600,000 websites currently using MailPoet, it is considered the best email plugin for WordPress. Users can easily add content and images directly from their media library, eliminating the need to upload files to third-party services. The plugin also offers a variety of beautifully designed templates that can be customized to match personal branding. MailPoet boasts a high deliverability rate, with 30+ million emails being delivered each month to inboxes rather than spam boxes. Users can also take advantage of the intuitive user interface, drag-and-drop features, and customizable design options. The support team is known for its helpfulness and willingness to assist. Since its launch in 2011, MailPoet has been dedicated to making email better and providing delightful customer experiences. The plugin has a high customer satisfaction rate, with a happiness score of 90% based on 1,548 ratings. Customers can receive support via email or directly from their WordPress admin. In addition to its functionality, MailPoet is also GDPR compliant and has a privacy policy to protect user data. Overall, MailPoet is a powerful and user-friendly newsletter plugin for WordPress that helps users effectively communicate and market to their subscribers.